La biblioteca accademica nella filiera della comunicazione scientifica

Antonella De Robbio


The relationship between science and society, and the role of academic library inside new balance environment changed by new technologies is here analysed. The market of economy of knowledge penetrating the society needs to reflect on business models towards distribution models. Open Access is perceived as social pervasiveness tool. On the basis of the old paper by the Dutch Roosendaal and Guerts focused on the forces and functions of scientific information we reflect and compare on the light of their recent work the new strategic positioning of scientific research towards social environment. As a result of social networks, research and society meet emerging new ways of communicating science and new ways to incorporate scientific results within the social environment. The researchers leave the Ivory Tower and build a real scientific citizenship as research entrepreneuse mode. The libraries in this dimension are placed in constant equilibrium with new professions emerging, some strategically positioned relative to the ecosystem.

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