Un sogno possibile in periferia

Serena Brascugli


The Claudio Conti Library of the Felice Fatati Comprehensive Institute in Terni represents a paradigmatic experience of both the opportunities and the challenges that educational institutions have to face in setting up and managing their own library. Although the didactic and socio-cultural importance of this common space, a place of conservation, elaboration and transmission of ideas is recognised, the Conti Library suffers from the structural lack of human and economic resources. The contribution presents the progress, the setbacks and the problems (some of which have not been overcome yet) of a process that is in any case in progress, strengthened by a planning renewed year after year, the purpose of which is also to create value for the territory and the community that it animates it, intercepting its formative, educational and cultural needs.


Biblioteca; library; bibliotecario; librarian; Biblioteca scolastica; Biblioteche scolastiche; Advocacy; School libraries

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-202304-043-1

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