Ritorno al futuro

Enzo Borio, Chiara Faggiolani, Maurizio Vivarelli


On May 27, 2022, a cultural center named after the great architect Bruno Zevi was inaugurated in Beinasco, in the province of Turin. The center uses the space, recently restored, of the former “Nino Colombo” library, the first and only realization inspired by the Luigi Einaudi Civic Library in Dogliani, also built by Bruno Zevi, who in the plans of the promoter of the initiative, Giulio Einaudi, should have given rise to a network of libraries/cultural centers aimed at spreading and promoting culture, libraries and reading at a national level. The article examines and discusses the characteristics of a possible project to further enhance the intervention carried out, which recover, in addition to the materiality of the building, also its symbolic content, and which contributes to updating some of the central values that have characterized in the sixties of the twentieth century the Einaudian vision, reimagining it, utopically, in the current cultural, social, bibliographical contexts.


Biblioteca; Torino; Beinasco; Centro culturale; Nino Colombo;

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-202208-012-1

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