L’ampliamento delle risorse per la didattica online in un grande ateneo all’epoca della pandemia

Carla Savarè


The recent period of health emergency has placed the academic community in a situation of great stress resulting from the great change that was taking place. Faced with the interruption of teaching in the presence, the partial closure of libraries or the reduction of their services to the public, it was necessary to immediately answer to users to ensure continuity of support for teaching and research by the library services. The change required the choice of a new approach to content, a new way of teaching, a new way in which teaching and research materials were used, and also required “emotional” support for our users. An organizational change was required to all intents and purposes involving not only the central structures of the library service, but also its branches, that is, the libraries, Faculty, publishers and students.


Didattica online; pandemia; Biblioteche; emergenza; Università

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-202202-015-1

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