Da una donazione alla scoperta di una famiglia

Maria Crapulli


Some years ago, the library of our University received a book collection from architect Alberto Tavazzi (1912-2016). In this collection, are the books of the uncle of Arch. Tavazzi, Dr. Giuseppe Piacentini Rinaldi (1878-1935), who was a doctor, both in civil and military facilities. The books deal with various medical specialties and testify to the vastness of the scientific knowledge of Dr. Piacentini. Particularly noteworthy are some texts by H. Bernheim, one of the first scholars to take an interest in neurosis, and by A. Murri, founder of the modern medical clinic.


Alberto Tavazzi; Fondo Tavazzi; Fondi speciali; Biblioteche; Bibliotecari

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-202201-038-1

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