Digital Humanities versus Medical Humanities?

Ivana Truccolo


The aim of this paper is to propose some reflections and considerations on the relationship between Digital and Medical Humanities starting from the cues offered by the Master in Digital Humanities of the University of Milan, attended in the period 2020 March – 2021 January- first pandemic period from Covid 19 - and from my professional experience as a biomedical librarian. In particular, the cues were offered by the module “Fundamentals of Digital Humanities” of the master, held by the teachers Blythe Alice Raviola and Simona Turbanti. There are some similarities and interesting temporal coincidences between the evolution of the Digital Humanities and that of the biomedical information & documentation science and practice. Furthermore, there are some important intersections between the scientific field and the humanistic one.


Digital Humanities; Medical Humanities; Biblioteche biomediche

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