La promozione della lettura attraverso i PCTO scolastici

Maria Rosaria Bacchini, Nello Grisolia, Stefania Castanò, Nadia De Simone, Giovanna Loggia, Cinzia Martone


It is well known that people read very little in Italy and that CEPELL, a centre for books and reading, has as its mission the promotion of reading. One of the tools to bring children closer to reading is the PCTO, the training courses for orientation and training, with the realization of final objectives of acquisition of targeted computer skills (Information Literacy), of learning the main notions for the online bibliographic and cataloging research, basic knowledge of library services and promotion of reading using the school library as a basis. At the G.B. Vico di Napoli two paths have been created that have guided seven classes towards the achievement of these objectives. The training courses were carried out partly in the presence and partly remotely with the collaboration of external experts and internal tutors.


Biblioteca; Bibliotecari; PCTO; lettura; Promozione della lettura; Educazione; Formazione; Scuola

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