La Collezione dantesca di Carlo Negroni della Biblioteca civica di Novara

Valentina Zanon


In the year of Dante, the ambition of this article is to highlight an important Dante collection that Sen. Carlo Negroni (1819-1896), Dante’s expert and promoter of the foundation of the Società Dantesca Italiana, left to the city of Novara. Subsequent to the establishment of the Negroni Library, the collection was expanded. The purpose of recent research was to reconstruct the original core of Negroni’s collection by studying the post mortem inventory and the catalogs currently present. From the cataloging of incunabula, sixteenth and seventeenth-century books interesting ideas have emerged to retrace the history and circulation of the individual items.


Collezione; Collezioni; Dante; Biblioteca civica Novara; Carlo Negroni; Biblioteca

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