Nuovi mondi narrativi

Francesca Mignemi


The dimension of storytelling is undergoing profound and radical changes, like every sector of our reality, which is going through a phase of redefinition and rethinking. The basic idea behind my work is to listen to the needs of young readers, users of stories, in order to offer them literary and visual narratives that take account of new paradigms, drawing on the best children’s literature. What interests me as a reading educator is to understand whether certain transpositions, fragmentations, betrayals or pulverisations of fairy tales and classics of children’s literature in other media can trigger additional readings. The aim is to identify the ingredients that trigger a pact of complicity with these new narratives in order to find them in modern and contemporary classics and build cross-media maps.


Lettura; Educazione; Biblioteche; storytelling; Formazione; transmedialità; crossmedialità

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