Biblioteche e bibliotecari in sanità tra Compassionate Computing e fake news

Michele Chieppi


Health Libraries, as a social institution, are responsible for ensuring public health awareness and the provision of up-to-date information to health workers and users. In any pandemic a librarian’s role is to devise effective communication strategies that provide both the general public and exposed populations who are most at risk with actionable information to ensure the safety of citizens. In the age of social media, misinformation is spread through different social media channels and Librarians must to counteract this by only sharing reliable information. In the coronavirus pandemic, the literature shows that two strategies are most effective for librarians and users: facilitating work from home for library staff and providing users with the information necessary to avoid the infodemia. 


Biblioteche; Covid-19; Bibliotecari; Sanità; Fake news; Compassionate Computing; servizi

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