Apprendimento basato sui giochi: il progetto NAVIGATE

Stefano Menon, Alessia Zanin-Yost, Anna Maria Tammaro, Giulia Conti, María Joaquina Valero Gisbert, Nicoletta Cabassi, Elisabetta Longhi


The Navigate project was officially born in September 2017, funded by the Erasmus + Strategic partnership program in support of innovation. The main objective of the Navigate project was to identify and create the conditions for a more effective approach to information literacy by university students in the humanities using games. The article proposes the most significant contents of the workshop “Game-based learning for the goal of sustainable development 4 (SDG4): filling the gaps of students on information literacy!” held in Milan on September 16, 2020 on the occasion of the Conference “Libraries and sustainable development”. The experience of co-creation and application of the Navigate games by three professors of the University of Parma concludes the paper.


Navigate; biblioteche; Erasmus+; SDG4

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