Un nuovo percorso formativo per archivisti e bibliotecari

Leonardo Mineo, Maria Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni


Books, documents, any other objects forming the cultural heritage serve as the collective memory of our society, which in turn is preserved, stored, organized, and made available in archives, libraries, museums. To run those institutions, one needs to possess skills and refined competencies, as well as creativity and the ability to understand and interpret the innovation. Providing this kind of expertise is the object of the postgraduate course titled “Library, Archive and Cultural Heritage Studies”, launched in September 2020 in the Department of Historical Studies of the University of Turin (https://librodocumentopatrimonio.campusnet.unito.it/do/home.pl). The disciplines traditionally associated with the archival and library studies are presented here within an interdisciplinary context where juridical, managerial and communication sciences play an important part. Based on this hard core, students are offered three learning profiles, respectively dedicated to Archival science, Library and Information Science and a more transversal pathway focusing on the management of the cultural heritage in relation to the various places, landscape, and the cultural institutions.


formazione; percorso formativo; informazioni digitali; biblioteche; bibliotecari

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-202102-048-1

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