Accesso alle biblioteche fisiche e misure di contenimento della pandemia

Maurizio Vedaldi, Beatrice Catinella


This article aims to illustrate the organizational measures implemented by the University of Padua and in particular in the University libraries in order to contain the spread of COVID 19 in the face of the problems posed by the pandemic. Since the beginning of the lockdown, the activity of the University Library System has been carried out in an institutional setting marked by a strong orientation of the University governance towards the resumption of face-to-face teaching and related support services. Therefore, in full compliance with the indications of the health authorities, efforts have been made to ensure, alongside the services of the Digital Library, also the safe access of users to libraries and their traditional bibliographic content. Just as other sectors of the book supply chain, university libraries will emerge changed from this emergency situation. For this reason, we must operate in the conviction that the comparison with the measures and strategies adopted by the various institutions can help us to grasp also the side of opportunities opened by this crisis.


Biblioteche; Covid-19; lockdown; tecnologie

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