Horti Italici: dalla miscellanea al blog

Anna Bendiscioli, Mathias Balbi, Eleonora Quattrini


The Library of the Botanical Garden of the University of Pavia boasts a valuable heritage including some archival collections, which are important to trace the history of botanical studies in Pavia. The article describes the various stages of the work carried out on the collection named “Horti Italici”: from the treatment and cataloging of bibliographic, archival and photographic materials, to the disclosure to the public through a blog with function both of “showcase” and information aggregator. The work is also intended to define guidelines that may be useful in dealing with similar types of collections by archivists and librarians.


Biblioteca; Miscellanea; Orto botanico Pavia; Horti Italici; Archivi

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-202008-037-1

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