La biblioteca come piattaforma della conoscenza

Rossana Morriello


The platform has become a key model in today’s society so that we talk about the economy of platforms. The idea of platform is often associated to a digital model very common in the Internet and social media world. However, platforms have existed for a long time, far before the birth of the Internet, and the concept of platform does not relate only to the digital world. The platform is a model for coordinating and offering services and resources, which emphasizes relations between the users and the resources, between the different users, and the users and professionals who offer services, like librarians. This model strongly builds on data, and fosters a data driven approach. Data collected from the analysis of all these relations are the fuel that feed the engine of the platform. Big companies, like GAFAM, have better used this fuel. However, libraries have a large amount of data and their activities have always been based on relations. They just need to use and organize them more effectively.


Piattaforma; piattaforme digitali; Big data; conoscenza; cultura; biblioteche; rete

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