Il bibliotecario professionista dei beni culturali

Vito Aprile


The article seeks to draw attention to the professional figure of the librarian, intended as a professional in the field of cultural heritage, in light of the changes to the Codice dei Beni culturali e del paesaggio under the Act 22/07/2014, n. 110 and M.D. 20/05/2019, n. 244. In particular, we try to reconstruct the path that led the legislator to define the profile’s requirements in terms of knowledge, skills and competence, as well as the methods defined as necessary for the evaluation and validation of the professional figure of the librarian that operates in the field of cultural heritage. Particular attention is also given to the European Community’s legislation and to connections to the European Qualification Framework (EQF).


Biblioteca; Bibliotecario; Professione; Beni culturali; normativa

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