La conservazione condivisa delle collezioni per bambini e ragazzi in Francia

Loredana Vaccani


The article starts from a reflection on the fragility of the memory of children’s literature in recent decades in Italy. Many important works for our culture risk to disappear completely. The focus is therefore on the need to create forms of cooperation among libraries aimed at the preservation of this type of literature. To this end, the article focuses on the French case and in particular on the experience already carried out in 2003 in the PACA region (Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur), where a complex project of shared conservation of children’s books took shape. In addition to the library in Marseille, many other libraries offer both documents and spaces for conservation. This model has been followed over time by eleven regions, including in particular the initiatives of the Midi-Pyrénées and Bourgogne regions.


collezioni; bambini; ragazzi

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