Una biblioteca da referendum

Romano Vecchiet


In San Daniele del Friuli, a hill town 25 km far from Udine, in the North-East of the country, there is one of the oldest and most precious Italian public libraries, established in full Humanism in 1466, which has come down to us almost intact, overcoming wars and famine. Fifty years ago, in order to satisfy the requests of a public composed mainly of students, a Modern Section was formed next to the historical “Guarneriana”. This section has become more and more important over the years, so much so that it can count on a seat dedicated to it, located a few meters from the ancient library. Today the municipal administration would like to practice a separation between the two libraries, transferring the “Modern” in a peripheral area and guaranteeing the “Ancient” a separate management, destined to a Foundation. This choice was opposed by a Civic Committee, which called a consultative referendum against the separation of the two Libraries.


biblioteca Guarneriana, referendum

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-202005-023-1

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