Disponibile la versione italiana dell’Open Science Training Handbook

Roberta Moscon


Expectations towards librarians, following the latest and less recent developments of the digital revolution, have further broadened and deepened with the introduction of a new model of doing, disseminating and valuating research. Libraries’ traditional mission seems to have developed from storing and delivering knowledge into also helping to create and communicate new knowledge through the implementation of the Open Science principles. By making the Open Science Training Handbook available in Italian, colleagues will find inspiration and ideas for effective information and training events and help the establishment of Open Science practices. In the fact, not only the tasks of librarians have evolved: While they once used to be isolated and stationary, today they increasingly need to be networked, to venture new forms of collaboration and communication. Our experience of collective translation has shown just one way to go.


Open Access, Open Science Training Handbook

Full Text


DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-202005-019-1

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