Le biblioteche al tempo del coronavirus

Rossana Morriello, Maria Stella Rasetti, Claudia Bocciardi


As a result of measures to contain the COVID-19 epidemic in March all libraries in Italy were closed and library services in attendance suspended, as well as in museums and other places of culture. In this context, libraries have in many cases been able to create new scenarios, or rather, they have been able to strengthen and promote those digital and remote services which are now part of their physiognomy but which are not always well known to the public. The three articles by Rossana Morriello, Maria Stella Rasetti and Claudia Bocciardi review the most interesting initiatives that have taken place and reflect on the potential that libraries can have in extraordinary circumstances like this one.


biblioteche; coronavirus

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-202003-022-1

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