La facilitated collection: una riflessione sulle collezioni come servizio

Lorcan Dempsey


This is a blog post from 1 April 2019 by Lorcan Dempsey, Vice President, Membership and Research, Chief Strategist at OCLC. The post considers how the contract termination between the University of California and Elsevier has signalled a change for our scholarly communication models. There are many discussions taking place about how institutions look at their collections. The definition of collection formerly focused on the ‘acquired collection’. Now the definition has shifted and broadened to incorporate other areas of activity like institutional research outputs, research datasets, and more. Libraries are looking at new ways of facilitating access to content, altering their perspective on what is a collection from a localized to a networked view. At the time of publication, Elsevier and University of California contract termination is still in effect, but the University of California is still engaged in conversations with Elsevier.


collezioni, OCLC

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