Verso l’Agenda 2030: biblioteche pubbliche e sviluppo economico sostenibile

Adriano Solidoro


Considering public libraries as fundamental actors of the local economy – for the variety of resources they offer, which may contribute to the wealth and vitality of the community – may be part of a territorial development strategy in line with the U.N. 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 2030 Agenda is a document that represents an undisputed and fundamental point of reference also for public libraries, involving them from different points of view. Just to mention a few of the objectives: provide quality, fair and inclusive education, and learning opportunities for all (goal 4); encourage sustainable, inclusive, sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all (goal 8); build a resilient infrastructure and promote innovation and fair, responsible and sustainable industrialization (objective 9). Agenda 2030 expresses a clear opinion on the unsustainability of the current development model, not only on the environmental level, but also on the economic and social ones and calls for the involvement of all components of society for its sustainable overcoming: from businesses to the public sector, from civil society to philanthropic institutions, from universities and research centers to integration and culture operators (including, above all, public libraries).


biblioteche pubbliche; sviluppo sostenibile; Agenda 2030

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