Un viaggio tra cultura, formazione e società

Andrea Fabbrizzi, Desirèe Marie Koehring, Valentina Lepore, Elena Sillitti


Taking the opportunity of a study trip undertaken as part of the Master’s degree in Library Information Science at the University of Florence, this contribution offers an overview of two different library realities active in the city of Seattle: the University of Washington Libraries and the Seattle Public Library, with its futuristic central building and peripheral branches.The path winds through the spaces and projects centered on supporting students in their training and on protecting and promoting the University of Washington’s cultural heritage; initiatives focused on enhancing cultures and constructive leisure, with particular attention to the digital universe; and the necessary projects supporting social integration, always actively promoted by the Seattle Public Library, which moreover fill the gaps left by the policies for the homeless and immigrants.


Biblioteca; università; Seattle

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-201908-045-1

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