Università e media information literacy: un seminario di Jesus Lau

Fabrizia Bevilacqua, Laura L'Episcopo


In September 2019 the University of Parma hosted a seminar held by Jesus Lau about Media Information Literacy and its implications for university students and academic institutions. In a context where algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and social media are changing the way we decide and learn, students need more than ever life-long skills to access, evaluate, use and create information, and to distinguish between real, fake or manipulated information. Jesus Lau discussed the strategies adopted by the CETYS University of Veracruz, in order to foster the students’ media and information skills and to create an academic information culture.


Information; literacy; Jesus Lau

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3302/0392-8586-201908-013-1

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