La valutazione della ricerca in Olanda: un’analisi comparativa con il sistema italiano

Rossana Morriello


The article gives a general description of the framework for research assessment in The Netherlands, comparing it to the Italian system for research evaluation run by ANVUR. In The Netherlands research assessment is based on SEP (Standard Evaluation Protocol), a flexible and adaptable protocol, realized in collaboration by VSNU (Association of Universities in The Netherlands), NWO (The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) and KNAW (The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science), and is conducted every six years. Bibliometric indicators are only one kind of indicator that SEP proposes and are complemented by quality indicators like description of the societal relevance, integrity of research, diversity of research. Also, special emphasis in Dutch academic system is given to open access, particularly increased after a steady statement in support of open access to publications expressed by Parliament in 2014.


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